Use "newfoundlander|newfoundlanders" in a sentence

1. Newfoundland general advertiser, Newfoundlander [1842-1854], and Public ledger [to 1842 inclusive].

Newfoundland general advertiser, Newfoundlander [1842-1854] et Public ledger [jusqu’à 1842 inclusivement.]

2. Like many of his adventuresome ancestors, Senator George Furey has never been slow to respond to challenges he has found threatening to the interests of his province or his country, no matter to what province or rally he and his like-thinking, like-minded Newfoundlanders have had to fly

Comme un grand nombre de ses ancźtres aventuriers, le sénateur George Furey n'a jamais hésité à relever les défis qu'il jugeait źtre des menaces aux intérźts de sa province ou de son pays, peu importe dans quelle province ou à quel rassemblement lui et les Terre-Neuviens qui pensent comme lui ont eu à se rendre